Millions of people enjoy playing Frisbee, but for more than 45 years discs have also been playing a role as an effective therapeutic recreation.
DiscAbilities uses specially-designed activities to benefit at-risk youth and people of all ages with physical, and or developmental challenges, especially people on the autism spectrum. “Project HAPPY” http://www.project-happy.org/home.html In collaboration with Hunter College, has for 35 years been the beneficiary of these special programs. Easter Seals and NYC Parks & Recreation, NYC Public Schools have also benefited from this work.
Because flying discs come in large, small, soft cloth, etc., even some that make noise, they are especially appropriate for those with special needs. People age 3 to 93 increase their coordination, self-confidence and social skills. Some who find it difficult to succeed in traditional sports enjoy the thrill of success and a boost to self esteem.
DiscAbilities promotes teamwork and having fun as the most valued prize for true winners.